Education Enterprise Agreement 2021

Education Enterprise Agreement 2021: What You Need to Know as an Educator

The Education Enterprise Agreement (EEA) is a set of terms and conditions that govern the employment of school staff in Western Australia. Negotiations for the new EEA for 2021 have been ongoing since 2020, and it is expected to provide better working conditions and job security for educators.

As an educator, it is essential to understand the changes that the new EEA will bring and how they will affect you. Here are some critical updates that you need to know about the Education Enterprise Agreement 2021.

1. Pay Increases

One of the most significant changes in the new EEA is the pay increases for school staff. The agreement includes a 2.5% pay rise for all teachers, school leaders, and education assistants in 2021, with a further 2.5% increase the following year. This pay increase is higher than the current inflation rate, which is a great win for educators.

2. Job Security

The new EEA also includes provisions for job security for school staff. The agreement provides for more permanent appointments for education assistants, which will give them greater job security. The EEA also includes measures to address workload issues and improve the work-life balance of educators.

3. Professional Development

Another significant update in the new EEA is the focus on professional development for educators. The agreement provides for increased funding for professional development, which will help teachers and school leaders to upskill and stay relevant in their profession.

4. Leave Entitlements

The new EEA also includes improved leave entitlements for school staff. The agreement provides for additional leave for teachers to attend professional development courses, conferences, and workshops. It also includes provisions for additional leave for family and domestic violence purposes.


The Education Enterprise Agreement 2021 brings many changes that will benefit educators in Western Australia. With a focus on job security, pay increases, professional development, and improved leave entitlements, the new EEA is a significant win for school staff. As an educator, it is essential to understand these updates and how they will affect you. Stay informed and involved in the negotiations to ensure that your voice is heard.

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