Travel Bubble Agreement India

In the wake of the global pandemic, one of the most important aspects of international travel is the formation of travel bubbles. These arrangements allow safe travel between countries that have a similar control over the spread of the virus. The travelers are allowed to move freely within the travel bubble without being subjected to quarantine or other restrictions.

India has recently entered into a travel bubble agreement with a few countries. As of now, India has formed travel bubbles with the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Qatar, and the UAE. The primary aim of the travel bubble agreement is to revive economic activity and boost tourism between these countries. With the travel bubble agreement in place, travelers can now fly between India and these countries without being quarantined.

Here`s what you need to know about the travel bubble agreement between India and these countries:

1. The agreement is open to all Indian nationals and foreigners holding valid visas. Exceptional cases, such as medical emergencies, will be considered.

2. All travelers must have a negative Covid-19 test report which is not older than 72 hours before the journey.

3. Passengers need to register on the online portal of the Ministry of Civil Aviation, and also, they have to undergo a thermal screening at the airport.

4. In case of a positive test report, passengers will be quarantined for 14 days.

5. The travel bubble agreement is subject to change as per the prevailing Covid-19 situation in India or the respective countries.

It`s important to note that the travel bubble agreement is not a green signal for carefree travel. Travelers must adhere to all the necessary safety protocols, including wearing masks, sanitizing hands, and maintaining social distancing. If we don`t take precautionary measures, the virus could still wreak havoc on our lives.

In conclusion, the travel bubble agreement is a positive step toward reviving the travel industry and the global economy. India has formed the travel bubble agreement with some of the most prominent economies in the world, which is a testimony to India`s success in containing the virus`s spread. However, as responsible citizens, we must take all necessary precautions and follow safety protocols to ensure responsible travel.

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